From the fullness of his grace, we have all received one blessing after another. I John 1:16

Monday, June 28, 2010

the month of JUNE

Wow! So, don't look at the date of my last's definitely been a MONTH. I was doing so good for a while there, updating about once a week, but we got so busy, and I haven't made the time.

It's been a good month though. I have so enjoyed having my husband back. He was in Africa on a mission trip for 2 weeks. It felt like 2 months. The second week he was gone, we went traveling to visit with family and friends. We had a great time in Mobile. We went to the beach at Dauphin Island with Granna & Uncle Brian. Benjamin had a the best time playing in the sand!

We hung out with Kelly in her classroom, visited with the grandmothers and with Aunt Barbara.

We also went to Marietta for a few days to catch up with friends there and to be in Atlanta when Rick returned. We got to spend time with so many great friends out at dinner, watching Lost and painting pottery.

Benjamin always has his moments, especially if there is a missed nap involved, but he has been the sweetest kid lately. He's been so lovey and just enjoying life. He had swimming lessons for a week and a half, which he loved. I couldn't even say the word swimming without him running through the house looking for a swimmy diaper and swimsuit. He still brings them to me and says "simmeeeng."

He started lessons like this:

then to this:


I guess that's another thing that has been so cute about him lately. He's been talking and I love his rendition on our English language. I just love his little child voice too. He melts me when he says "nite niiiiite" and "ah - u" (i love you).

Grandmama & Granddaddy came to visit for a few days. We had a great time with them and a great father's day.

2 great Dads -

the best daddy ever -

I'm so thankful for Rick. Not only have I found a wonderful husband, but also an amazing father to our child.

Last week was vbs at collegedale and he loved every minute of it. I tried to peek in on his class a few times just to watch. I saw him at the game station, pick up the bowling ball pin, pass the bowling ball to the teacher and stand in position to bat the ball. We all laughed.

He has picked up on some of the motions from the songs and will just sing and move his arms "hack, hack, hack cuts my saw all day" (noah's ark).

We went to the Brave's game on Saturday and although it was a long day, it was lots of fun. He loves baseball right now, but then again he does see it on TV every night.

We are really enjoying our new house, still trying to get rid of those ugly brown cardboard boxes, but we'll get there one day. I'm planting a few things too...I'll try to post some pictures of those too.

As if I didn't think we were busy enough, I was looking at my calendar the other day to plan a photography session and we have no empty weekends for about 2 - 3 months. I have 3 weddings in July, including one in Malibu, California, so things are really going to get crazy around here.

We are going to Tennessee this weekend to see, well all kind of folks really, Rick's parents, grandparents, his cousin and family and Dana and the kids. I'm excited for Benjamin to spend time with his cousins. I know he'll really enjoy playing with them.

So there's an update and lots of randomness. I'll try not to be such a stranger.

Be blessed,
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