From the fullness of his grace, we have all received one blessing after another. I John 1:16

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our New House

2 posts in one day!

So we went by the house today, O my goodness! We go almost daily now because we love to see how it's coming along. The builder is incredible. He's got it together. The house is always bustling with contractors. It is almost finished. Yesterday the driveway and sidewalks were completed, today they were laying sod, and clearing out the surrounding lots (he's building other houses on the culdesac). I almost cried walking up to the house. I'm so happy I can hardly stand it. I may be crazy, but this is the most calm I've ever felt about anything in my life and it's one of the biggest purchases we'll ever make. I just feel like God has lead us here. There have been so many things that have just seemed to "fall into place." It's really a blessing and we pray with this house as we always do that it will be a place where God is praised and glorified by all who enter.

1 comment:

Lindsey Bagwell said...

I am so excited for you guys and your house! I can't wait to see it completed!! I know you are super pumped as well!