So Benjamin has been crazy messy lately. He LOVES a mess! Anything he has must come out of it's home and onto the floor/couch/him/everywhere. I should really let it go, but it's hard.....sometimes I feel like ALL I do is walk around and clean up gunky stuff.
I see a pattern though...this little mischievous behavior is magnified when I'm on the phone. :) This past week when I was on the phone, he was home from pre-school with a little cold and some nasty poo poo issues, so we decided to take it easy and hang out in front of the TV for the day. I made us some popcorn to enjoy. He gathered all the popcorn in his hands and threw it up in the air! I was on the phone with a photography client and didn't want to be rude, so I kindly encouraged him to stop, but didn't pull out the mommy voice in full force. So that was the day Benjamin learned to vacuum. That's at least one thing I feel like I kind of do well....he makes the mess....he cleans it up. Sorry, no pics I guess....blogger won't let me. :(
About a week ago, we had a crazy, messy morning! It all started with our cool orange jello that we made to celebrate fall. Benjamin ate it a mad man! He scoured the bowl in seconds. I looked over and noticed he even had jello in his hair. Ok, so I decided he'd take a bath. I stripped his jello clothes and he made a beeline for the bathtub...peeing all the way. Pause. I won't say we have officially started potty-training but we talk about the potty nonstop. "Whenever you feel your pee-pee or poo-poo coming, we have to go to the potty, ok?" Um....all over the floor, yep. I put him in the tub and quickly mop the floor. Just as I finished my sweet mother-in-law called. I figured that would be no big deal, because Benjamin loves the bath, so he could just get a good soaking. I looked up at Ben and he was standing up, leaning out of the tub, swirling his foam paintbrush in the toilet. I yelled (yes yelled, even though I was only a few feet away) for him to get out of the toilet and sit down in the tub. Then he did the unthinkable, he put the paintbrush in his mouth. I know, gross. Apearently, to him, all water is equal. So I tried to wash him while he squirmed and screamed and eventually had to get off of the phone - I know Rick's mom thought I was insane, especially the way I talked to (or yelled at) her grandchild! As soon as he got out of the tub, he peed again....I obviously have some mad potty-training skills! So I got him dressed and got out the mop....again. :)
He is also refusing to sleep these days...don't quite know what all that is about, but in all the craziness, messiness, two-year-old fits, etc., I have clung to him and love him now more than ever.
A lot has happened around us lately that has made me put the small things in perspective. Susan, a 33-year-old mother of 3-year-old twins and youth minister's wife, also a Troy and CSC alum, passed away about a month ago during an out-patient routine brain surgery. She had a severe stroke during the procedure and came out with no brain activity. Hailey, a sweet 2-year-old friend of ours from Marietta is suffering with brain cancer. She endured 2 long years of treatment and was declared cancer-free but it has returned and spread and treatment is no longer an option, just keeping her comfortable. She will leave behind two of the bravest parents and 3 siblings.
These families are so burdened. I cannot imagine losing anyone so close to me. I've also had a hard time understanding "why." People say, "It's not meant for us to understand," but lately that hasn't been enough for me. We pray, we know God is powerful, I don't know why some people get to live and some people don't. I've have really been in turmoil over this since things happened with Susan.
Then recently, as crazy as it sounds, God started talking to me, or maybe I started listening. I listened to a sermon online from our prev. minister at EC. It was about how God is with us in the form of his spirit and it's our choice whether we doubt or trust. That really resonated with me. I know it's plain and simple, but if I'm honest, I really was a little bit mad at God I guess, and I didn't want to turn to Him. The next day I drove to Auburn to spend the day with Julia. We had an incredible time and Benjamin loved playing on the playground for hours while we caught up. On the way home, I passed a sign that said, "Lean not on your own understanding." It was interesting to me that the whole verse was not on the sign, but just the part I needed. Then next night, God gave it to me. One of the main verses in our small group was Isaiah 55:8-9. Wow!
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Ok, I get it. It's like they say, "it's not meant for us to understand." I had to hear it from Him though. I kept reading and found the most beautiful scripture, I applied it to Hailey's life.
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree,
and instead of the briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign,
which will not be destroyed.
I don't remember a time when I have ever been so comforted by scripture and felt God's presence so close, even when I didn't agree with Him, or understand Him, I knew He was with me. We have technology to do more now, and I've come to expect things are going to be ok, but there are times, when sickness takes over. I've also learned that I have failed to praise God when He does heal, comfort and grant our requests. All makes me yearn more for more of the yucky stuff.
I don't normally share like this on the blog, but maybe you are in need of comfort today too....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Explorer day!

So yesterday was explorer day for us. We are two people that will drive each other crazy if we stay in the house too long. We decided to get out and explore. It was a perfect day. We went to the old golf course on campus and walked around, played in the dirt, collected leaves, twigs and acorns for a little craft. There's a pond on the course. Benjamin has always loved water...a fear of mine. Last year, he tried to dive in the pond in No. GA at a youth rally. The only way we got his mind off of it was leaving.
I prepped him on the procedures (the not running and jumping in the pond procedures) as we walked down the hill, but I was still a little concerned. He didn't jump in, or even try, guess he's getting it. He did, however, remember that the last pond we saw (in California), had turtles, or "tur-lels." So to him, every pond should have them. They may have some on the golf course, but we never saw them. Needless to say, he was a little disappointed. He just walked around staring at the pond asking, "Tur-lels, where are you?" Pretty sweet.
Last night we went and watched the band practice. I don't know what we'll do when football season is over. He is really going to miss the "and."
Uncle Brian is coming today! We are so excited. Benjamin has asked for him about 100 times since we told him he was coming.
Random fact: The Karate Kid is one of the best movies I've seen in a long, long time. A "must see" in my opinion.
Blessings today,

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Meet Bobby....
Ok, it's been a week, time for a post! Meet Bobby, Benjamin's new friend! Rick brought him home a little something from the Brave's game Monday night. They did make the playoffs and he did get to go. They weren't there long, but did have a slight taste of postseason play.
Rick said we'll call him Bobby, for Bobby Cox of course. Benjamin caught on quick. He ran around all day talking about his new friend, Bobby. Out of the blue, he'd say "Want Bobby," and run to his room and fetch him off of the shelf.
Benjamin is home with me this week. His pre-school is on fall break. Although he is at home with me most of the time, normally, no breaks all week would freak me out, instead, I've resided to enjoy every minute of our time together. I've planned more structure to keep us both from going crazy. So far this week, we've made a pumpkin out of orange shapes, we've made jello in the shape of orange pumpkins, we've made orange rice crispy treats and the list goes on. Today we're going outside to get some colored leaves and twigs and find something fun to do with those. We've had a great time. I've decided not to be so uptight about everything this week. I've dealt with him better, his fits, and his times of joy when he just wants to tackle me and wrestle on the floor. I've started to just dismiss him to his room whenever he has a fit. He actually goes and that's his timeout. Before long he's saying, "Mooommmy? Where are you?" in the sweetest voice ever. He still doesn't get out until it's time though- I'm not that soft.
I've also been trying to clean the house this week...don't know why this week other than it was filthy! I was almost embarrassed to find that much dirt on our floors! I know one thing, I'm not mopping anymore. I don't mop as much as I should. Oddly enough, we don't have THAT many spills. Well, I mopped yesterday. I was so proud of my shiny floors! soon as we got home from the grocery store, I realized we had a leaky milk biggie, I just wiped up the mess. Then, trying to make an empty pitcher for the milk, I spilt the tea everywhere! All over me, the floor, everything in the room had some tea on it. This morning, Benjamin pulled a gallon of pink lemonade off of the kitchen table, bursting the pitcher. So that's more mopping for me...sorry.
Benjamin has a toy with plastic mail. He saw it this morning and could not wait till the mail carrier came. There was not doubt in my mind that he said, "when mail umming?" 300 times. Luckily, she came soon. :)
Benjamin is talking sooo much. He learns everything so quickly and we just laugh at the funny things that come out of his mouth. He's already got a little slang... He says, "Ere's a ball up in ere!" Part of that is natural...he doesn't pronounce the first letter of many words, but the other part, um... maybe the South. :) We'll have to work on that one.
Here's one of our recent conversations:
Me: "Benjamin, go take your crayons to your room."
B: "No."
Me: "Benjamin, you know not to tell Mommy 'no.' Go take your crayons to your room."
B: "Mama's turn."
So, he did end up taking them, but I couldn't help but laugh.
We are super excited about our weekend! We're having a scavenger hunt Friday night with the students, then Saturday is a game day. We love those around here. Also means we get to go watch the band rehearse Thurs. night - Benjamin's favorite thing to do!
Hope you find a great way to spend your weekend too...the weather is perfect right now!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The toddler with multiple personalities....
Ok, I'm really joking. I know he doesn't have multiple personalities, but he sure can flip the switch quick! He's two, I get it. He's figuring out who he is and getting more independent (which I will surely appreciate when he can put that poo poo in the potty!), but like any two-year-old, the kid has issues with authority. He did the coolest, sweetest thing last night. He is learning about Moses at pre-school. Yesterday, they colored a picture of baby Moses and made him a basket and even a little blankie out of felt. We got in the car when I picked him up and talked all about baby Moses in the basket, or "ah-ket." Last night, at our small group with college students (while Benjamin was supposed to be asleep but being the social butterfly he is, decided he wasn't going to since we had people over), Moses came up in our discussion. I asked Benjamin what he knew about Moses. He said, "baby soses in a ah-ket." At that moment, I was so proud. He was officially a genius and the coolest kid ever! I know he has much still to learn about being a child of God, but learning His word is where we learn about the character of our Father.
All that being said, he can also be a devilish little rascal. I hope one day I'm thankful for his "determination," because he has used it in a Godly way. His little independent self gets so set on what he's doing, and gets pretty angry when things don't go his way. He can throw such a tantrum, you're convinced he's possessed by demons. I know it is only a season (thanks Shaunna for always reminding me of this), and that it will pass.
It makes me stay in constant prayer that we are doing things the right way, or as close as we can, as parents. It's a BIG responsibility....knowing that we will be the most influential people in his life. Knowing that he will take on many of our characteristics, good and bad. It's I pray. I'm going to also fill my pockets with scripture to help me during those tantrums.
Here are some pics of Benjamin in the know, a little something to embarrass him with when he's sixteen. That's what he gets for throwing those tantrums. ;)

Have a blessed day,
All that being said, he can also be a devilish little rascal. I hope one day I'm thankful for his "determination," because he has used it in a Godly way. His little independent self gets so set on what he's doing, and gets pretty angry when things don't go his way. He can throw such a tantrum, you're convinced he's possessed by demons. I know it is only a season (thanks Shaunna for always reminding me of this), and that it will pass.
It makes me stay in constant prayer that we are doing things the right way, or as close as we can, as parents. It's a BIG responsibility....knowing that we will be the most influential people in his life. Knowing that he will take on many of our characteristics, good and bad. It's I pray. I'm going to also fill my pockets with scripture to help me during those tantrums.
Here are some pics of Benjamin in the know, a little something to embarrass him with when he's sixteen. That's what he gets for throwing those tantrums. ;)

Have a blessed day,

Sunday, October 3, 2010
It's October!
I'm usually not this anxious for fall, but I'm ready to get outside and enjoy it without feeling we are going to pass out from the heat. Something about the fall just makes me thankful, the weather, the leaves turning and falling, it's just nice.
So I have to share what happened in the car on the way home the other day, but first I have to catch you up a little. Before we go to bed, we have a few moments of family time. We try to read some, but that sometimes ends up with us reading and Benjamin running around the room. He's a bit restless. We then have a prayer that we start and Benjamin says who and what he is thankful for. Then we say, "and thank you for Jesus," which is followed by a loud Benjamin "AMEN!" Then he gets in the bed. Soooo, in the car, I heard Benjamin in the back seat saying "Ank oooo Daddy, ank oooo Mama, ank oooo Daddy, ank oooo Mama." He was saying a prayer! I know he doesn't understand all that completely, but I'm so thankful for his sweet little heart.
We've had a pretty relaxing weekend....filled with sports of all kinds. Friday we decided to get out of the house and go watch some soccer. I have never been to a Troy soccer game and Benjamin loves "occer ball" so I thought it would be fun. No drama, except for when a kid tried to attack him and steal his ball. I always take a ball to keep him entertained. Guess I need to take a few for other kids too. So far, Benjamin does pretty good. He's not real big on sharing but doesn't flip out and whale on the kid who takes his things. That is sooo difficult to teach this age. Share. But then again I guess we don't really like to do it either. We're working on it.
We had one of my favorites (breakfast for supper) and then went to watch the Troy volleyball team. We did a super fun birthday party Saturday for Benjamin's buddy, Grayson, then watched football with some friends. And now we are watching the Braves today. I'm praying they can pull out a win today, or I'm going to have to skip town for a few days. :) Today is it for the Braves. All season (162 games) boils down to this game today. They win - playoffs, they lose - seasons over. I know, who cares? It's pretty serious in this household. It gets intense, so we'll see how it all shakes out.
Back to the party, it was a blast. Benjamin got to ride a horse. A huge horse! My big boy looked so tiny riding up there. It was the first time. He wasn't so sure at first, but after a few steps was saying "Giddy-up." So I kind of thought... these were the cutest ever.

So I have to share what happened in the car on the way home the other day, but first I have to catch you up a little. Before we go to bed, we have a few moments of family time. We try to read some, but that sometimes ends up with us reading and Benjamin running around the room. He's a bit restless. We then have a prayer that we start and Benjamin says who and what he is thankful for. Then we say, "and thank you for Jesus," which is followed by a loud Benjamin "AMEN!" Then he gets in the bed. Soooo, in the car, I heard Benjamin in the back seat saying "Ank oooo Daddy, ank oooo Mama, ank oooo Daddy, ank oooo Mama." He was saying a prayer! I know he doesn't understand all that completely, but I'm so thankful for his sweet little heart.
We've had a pretty relaxing weekend....filled with sports of all kinds. Friday we decided to get out of the house and go watch some soccer. I have never been to a Troy soccer game and Benjamin loves "occer ball" so I thought it would be fun. No drama, except for when a kid tried to attack him and steal his ball. I always take a ball to keep him entertained. Guess I need to take a few for other kids too. So far, Benjamin does pretty good. He's not real big on sharing but doesn't flip out and whale on the kid who takes his things. That is sooo difficult to teach this age. Share. But then again I guess we don't really like to do it either. We're working on it.
We had one of my favorites (breakfast for supper) and then went to watch the Troy volleyball team. We did a super fun birthday party Saturday for Benjamin's buddy, Grayson, then watched football with some friends. And now we are watching the Braves today. I'm praying they can pull out a win today, or I'm going to have to skip town for a few days. :) Today is it for the Braves. All season (162 games) boils down to this game today. They win - playoffs, they lose - seasons over. I know, who cares? It's pretty serious in this household. It gets intense, so we'll see how it all shakes out.
Back to the party, it was a blast. Benjamin got to ride a horse. A huge horse! My big boy looked so tiny riding up there. It was the first time. He wasn't so sure at first, but after a few steps was saying "Giddy-up." So I kind of thought... these were the cutest ever.

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