From the fullness of his grace, we have all received one blessing after another. I John 1:16

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Uncle Brian!!!

I wish we all could be there and throw you a big party! (that will come later, don't worry.) I don't think you've ever been able to have a party on your birthday, our schedule has always made it difficult. To get all sentimental for a moment, I simply can't believe that you're 18 today! Spending so much time with Benjamin, I can't help but remember when you were his size, yes I actually can remember. I remember sitting in the driveway praying for a sibling before you came, and I was the proudest big sister ever when you arrived. We definitely had some spouts throughout childhood and drove Mama insane at times (especially when we'd cut up in remember), but I'm so thankful for you and the close relationship we now share. You are a blessing in my life and I wish only the best for you, praying for you all the time. Love you brother and Happy Birthday!

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