From the fullness of his grace, we have all received one blessing after another. I John 1:16

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our Beautiful Son

Benjamin is now three weeks old. We haven't gotten much sleep, but we've had so much fun with our little munchkin. Many times we'll just sit and stare at him. He makes the funniest faces and sounds. He is getting more alert now and looking around to check everything out. He loves baths, his bouncy seat, car rides and lying on daddy's chest. He's not such a big fan of shopping and diaper changes. Here are some pics from the last few days...

These are from Benjamin's first Sunday at church. He did pretty good. He grunted and had the hiccups in worship, so we stood in the back for much of it. He wore his handsome white outfit that Grandma got him.

Benjamin's favorite place to sleep, on Daddy's chest.

Going for a walk in the neighbor- hood. Benjamin looks pretty upset, but he's just yawning.

Benjamin fell asleep watching a little TV in the recliner.

Rick, Benjamin, Granddaddy and Laura Grace.

Benjamin chilled out in the bathtub.

Getting sleepy after bathtime.

Watching college football with Daddy on Saturday.

1 comment:

lnipaver said...

he looks so much like Rick! So cute. We need to get Jake and Benjamin together next time we are both in Marietta. I need to get you to take some pics too. We have a blog also..

hope to see you guys soon!